Because Royce has a new little brother coming, he lucked out. He is the one that gets the new bed and a new room! Here he is celebrating after sleeping all night in his new room and on his new bed. He seems to like it and is learning to stay in it well. Nap time is another story, but hopefully (I am crossing my fingers) he will have adjusted before the little brother comes. Royce does get to look forward to potty traiining soon too, but I don't know how excited he is about it quite yet. Talking will have to come first. I guess this is my list of things to get done in the next few months...
Friday, November 5, 2010
Halloween Eve Eve's Party!
On the night before the night before Halloween (Halloween Eve Eve's) we had a party and this was the result; some fabulous costumes!!! Everyone that came dressed up and we had a blast!!! I made Oreo Truffle Balls (Dallas' favorite) with some other treats. We drank Wassail and everyone else brought some goodies too!!! It turned out to be a perfect night away from the little chillins' playing games and having fun. (Don't judge me as fat right off. Remember I am almost 9 months prego in my Minnie costume.)I do have to say that my favorite costume was the Incredibles....if Alyce had been there, she would have been dressed up as an Incredible too. Matt and Shealyn made these costumes, and that is why I was so impressed!
That last picture is of Danicia the witch and Dave, her broom stick. Very creative. And of course she needs to ride the broom?
About 3 weeks ago, grandma Shirley came home with a costume for Royce. A little Lion costume, so we thought. Then I actually had Dallas look up the costume online and found out who Koda was. Koda is a little bear from the Disney movie Brother Bear. We worked to get Royce to growl like a baby bear....and we finally achieved a little something. I've learned to not ask for much and be happy with what you get=)
This was FHE the week before Halloween. We carved pumpkins. It wasn't as easy as you would think. All that Royce wanted to do was play with the candle lighter, or carve something with the biggest knife he could find. These were the only pictures that showed Royce as a happy boy. All the others Royce is MAD at us (the innocent parents) for taking his new found toys away. I guess the exasperating episodes of FHE have begun in the Millington household.
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Dirty Truth
Since my dad decided to buy some 4-wheelers a few years ago, we all get to enjoy dirt more than we ever thought that we could. Usually we go every couple of months in the spring, summer and fall. It is always a nice relaxing time and when you get home you can guarantee to pull rocks and dirt from every inch of your body....including your butt crack (Dallas' contribution).
Dallas is a really good dad and takes Royce on little rides around so that Royce too can grow up and know how to play in the dirt properly.
Here is Bob with Oliver, taking their turns to rule the dirt.
Here is the 6 month prego Bethany getting ready to go on a little adventure. Royce is checking everything out before take off. We want to make sure the lights are
Josh is taking a break in between telling somebody somewhere what to do and how to get it done. That is hard work.
More FUN to be had!
My parents irrigate their lawn every summer. So this year and last I have made some effort to make sure that Royce gets in on some of the fun. Kids love to be able to splash around and run in the cold water on a hot day. I took these pics of him playing with Grandma. It took him a few first times to like getting wet. And now He LOVES IT!
The Millington Family along with the Black Family finally made it camping this year. We ended up at Anderson Dam Ranch....I mean Anderson Ranch Dam. It only took all summer to get us there, but we had a BLAST!
Through the good times and the bad.
Royce loved the dirt, the rocks and the twigs, but he did come home with a few more bumps than when we left. I guess playing with hard objects can be difficult.
Twin Falls County Fair--there is no better fair on the earth than a local one where the cows are big and the food is greasy! We have made it a family tradition to visit the Twin Falls County Fair each fall. Dallas likes this one because it makes him feel at home. (He doesn't like the Boise fair--it isn't good enough I guess). But this year was Royce's first time and he loved getting to see lots of animals that wouldn't normally be around our neck of the woods. It was a nice little trip.
Cute little ponies...the 4-H kids were so nice...they would walk their animals around and ask if we would like to pet them. So we got to meet a lot of the animals right out in the open with their owner telling us all about them.
Now this is my style of a horse....the biggest and most beautiful...the Clyesdales. Right after we took this shot the horse almost mulled me over with his huge head. I have to admit, I was a lot scared of him. Isn't that rediculous
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes...We Think
Royce has a few favorite songs right now, and one of them happens to be Head, Shoulders Knees & Toes. One day Cora and Malory started singing this with him and this is how it turned out. I just like to watch him try. He has definately got the head and toes down, but the rest is a work in progress.
The End O' Summer
Today as I think about school starting and how fast fall is coming...I look outside and realize the temperature doesn't seem to reflect this at all. It will be 105 outside today, and it is then supposed to cool a ton tomorrow to 78 degrees. We will see how our camping trip will be this weekend.
This has been a normal, not too much happening, summer. With me being prego and Royce still very young, it makes for some lazy days. But through it all we have had a lot of fun. And I think the fun is just beginning. Here is just a glimpse of some of the fun we have had and the things Royce has learned. I had to leave some things out because stupid me, I forgot my camera.
I think the Boise Zoo is sooo cool now that it has giraffes and lions. I hadn't been to the Zoo for years until I had a little guy. Now we go often. It isn't the biggest zoo ever, but we will be headed to Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake very soon. I know Royce will love it. I just can't wait to show him the elephants. That is the one animal that he doesn't seem to know very well yet.
My favorite part is that we can see the giraffes from the green belt in Julia Davis Park. Every time we go walking, Royce will look to see if he can find them. It makes our walks a little more fun. And it is one of the words that he always tries to say. Other words he just gives up on if he thinks it is too hard.
We will definately have more fun to come, but until then we will try to enjoy the last of the summer to be had.
This has been a normal, not too much happening, summer. With me being prego and Royce still very young, it makes for some lazy days. But through it all we have had a lot of fun. And I think the fun is just beginning. Here is just a glimpse of some of the fun we have had and the things Royce has learned. I had to leave some things out because stupid me, I forgot my camera.
Here we are at Roaring Springs water park! We went with some of the family to celebrate Jane's Birthday. I have learned that Royce likes to play with running water (only if it doesn't get him wet) and look at water, but he isn't so fond of being in the water. Notice in all of the pictures, he isn't really in the water at all. But he had lots of fun anyway.
We also enjoyed going to Eastern Idaho to visit Trulee and her family there for a triple baptism. The saddest part is, is that I don't have any pictures since I didn't even take my camera.
Here is Royce in our backyard playing in his pool. Usually, I try to always put him in his swimsuit, but it seems whenever I do, he never wants to stay outside and play. So then I have wasted another swim diaper. But when we don't bother to change him, he plays for hours and gets soaking wet. I think that is why it is important for all aldults to have kids around. It keeps us in check. And yes, that is my son spitting water. I think it is definately one of the tricks his cousins taught him.
My favorite part is that we can see the giraffes from the green belt in Julia Davis Park. Every time we go walking, Royce will look to see if he can find them. It makes our walks a little more fun. And it is one of the words that he always tries to say. Other words he just gives up on if he thinks it is too hard.
We will definately have more fun to come, but until then we will try to enjoy the last of the summer to be had.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Baby's First Pictures
22 weeks along TODAY!!!
In about 4 more months we will have a wonderful addition to our little family. We found out last Friday that it will be a bouncing baby boy!!! Another little guy to share the love. Dallas & I were able to attend the ultrasound together. It was a really special time. I don't know if the tech really liked us, or if after all of the questions she just wanted to be done with us. We had some great conversation together and learned all about our growing baby. He is doing great so far. The doctor didn't have any concerns!!!
In about 4 more months we will have a wonderful addition to our little family. We found out last Friday that it will be a bouncing baby boy!!! Another little guy to share the love. Dallas & I were able to attend the ultrasound together. It was a really special time. I don't know if the tech really liked us, or if after all of the questions she just wanted to be done with us. We had some great conversation together and learned all about our growing baby. He is doing great so far. The doctor didn't have any concerns!!!
Here are some beautiful profile pictures of him for all to enjoy. What an amazing thing ultrasound can be.
Sorry no pictures of prego me...I feel too big and fat to take pictures...and then post them for everyone else is not going to happen.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The First Post
Here we are!
Starting a blog is a big deal for me. Hopefully it is the beginning of a new era and a good thing! I have titled our family blog as the Milliington Manner, because even though I would love to call it the Millington Manor, I feel we have a long way to go before we grow into that name. In the mean while I hope everyone will enjoy learning new things about us and experiencing some of our fun that comes with the Millington Mannerisms.
Enjoy the journey with us!!!
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